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Australia’s gold industry is a thriving and far-reaching sector that offers a diverse range of jobs along the entire gold supply chain.

From exploration and mining through to refining and trading, and everything in between, the gold industry has something for everyone.

The gold sector offers exciting opportunities in many areas such as technology, innovation, manufacturing, environment, health and safety, emergency response, community, tourism, administration, management, human resources and finance.

Administration or management roles will see you positioned at head office in a capital city, or you may have a specialist role – such as laboratory or manufacturing work – which will likely be carried out on a single site and limit the need for travel.

There are a range of entry-level jobs that can get you started in gold, such as a trades or field assistant, drillers offsider, truck driver or laboratory technician.

In mining, jobs on offer can be site or office based, with some requiring travel, relocation to regional towns or Fly-In, Fly-Out (FIFO) rosters, which can also include Drive-In, Drive-Out (DIDO), Bus-In, Bus-Out (BIBO) options.

Beyond a mine site, there are many skilled gold workers that work in processing plants, refineries and mints.

Take the Gold Jobs Quiz to discover what roles would suit you from the variety of positions available in Australia’s gold industry.

Discover what roles would interest you by understanding key responsibilities, specialisations, work environments, prerequisites, and current vacancies on Job Profiles.


Get Started

Hear from real People in Gold then discover how to launch your career in Australia’s gold industry by exploring the sections under Get into Gold:


Study, Skills and Training

Australia’s gold industry is a modern, diverse workforce that is constantly embracing new technologies and adapting or making changes to the way they work.

Not all roles will require applicants to have a previous qualification or skill, and many gold companies offer great workplace programs where employees can combine traditional learning with on-the-job training to acquire new expertise.

Getting your foot in the door is clearly the first step, but certainly not the last! There is no end to your learning journey and no shortage to the opportunities available.

Explore the below study and training organisations through which to develop new skills.


There are many tertiary-level qualifications available for study across Australia, in disciplines directly related to the mining industry.

Relevant university courses can include engineering (mining, metallurgical, chemical), exploration geophysics, mineral and energy economics, and more. Browse the below options to get started:

Western Australia

New South Wales

South Australia


Alternatively, complete a TAFE certification or vocational education qualification through private institutions to begin your career in gold. These can include but are not limited to engineering, exploration, laboratory technology, civil construction, surveying and more.

Discover the various options for certificate’s I, II, III IV and diplomas at the below institutions:


There are plenty of Registered Training Organisations (RTO) across Australia who deliver accredited courses to suit a wide variety of job seekers.

Having other qualifications that are easily obtainable is a huge advantage too, such as a HR license, four-wheel drive handling, working at heights, and first aid including CPR. Having one or more of these tickets demonstrates that you are serious about making the transition from urban trades person to gold miner.

Reach out to the below RTOs for more information:

Australian Civil and Mining Training

ACMT’s SafeWorkSA accredited trainers have over 30 years industry and training experience, specialising in Mining Training, Civil Construction, Logistics and more, to offer flexible and customised training to meet specific workplace and industry requirements. Training is provided on site or at ACMT’s training facility located at Veitch Road, Osborne.

ACM Training Services

ACM Training Services offer high quality training, competency assessment, and site and enterprise specific health and safety management. Courses are taught using a variety of integrated methods including flexible multimedia and online delivery, face-to-face teaching, and on-the-job training.

Saturn Metals Limited

Networking and Professional Development

Establishing professional relationships is an important step and can help you to build confidence in your new position, with the potential to gain career advice and support from more experienced members of the industry.

Regularly networking within the gold industry can also set you up well to progress further in your career, by raising your professional profile and broadening your access to employment opportunities.

Consider joining one of the following groups to connect with others in the gold sector:

Gold Industry Group

Be a part of Australia’s collective gold story, as an individual member of the Gold Industry Group. Representing the interests of gold producers, explorers, prospectors and service providers, the Gold Industry Group works together with members to champion the sector and support gold mining communities across Australia. Our collaborative voice is important to effectively lead long-term educational and community initiatives that cultivate understanding and awareness about gold’s value to the social fabric of our communities and significant role in our economy.

Mining Clubs

Connect with the gold industry in your State or Territory, by joining the local mining club to access forums, news and presentations, while networking with your colleagues and peers:

WA School of Mines Alumni

The Western Australian School of Mines Alumni (WASMA), is an active association for Curtin University’s WA School of Mines: Minerals, Energy and Chemical Engineering, with campuses at Bentley in Perth and Kalgoorlie in the Goldfields. WASMA actively strives to maintain and advance the School’s world-class reputation, with a commitment to 100% employment for its graduates.

Women in Mining

There are several organisations available who are dedicated to supporting and promoting female workers in Australia’s gold industry, from those just beginning their careers to experienced mentors with a wealth of knowledge. Members connect, educate and empower themselves and each other, through industry speakers, networking events, exposure and fundraising.
