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Gold Fields

Gold Fields has four operating gold mines in Australia. Globally, the company has 9 mines across Australia, Peru, South Africa, and Ghana, along with two projects in Canada and Chile.

Company Overview

Gold Fields has been part of the Western Australian community for more than 19 years and is now the third largest gold producer in Australia. It operates four mines in WA’s historic Goldfields region including Agnew, Granny Smith, St Ives, and Gruyere.

Gold Fields offers a diverse range of job opportunities across multiple operations and locations, currently employing approximately 1600 people on a residential and fly-in, fly-out basis. Gold Field’s vision is to be the global leader in sustainable gold mining.

Head Office: 4/235 St George Terrace Perth WA 6000
Number of Employees: 1,600



Granny Smith

Granny Smith comprises an underground mine with a 10-year mine life and is located 21km south of Laverton and 740km north-east of Perth.


St Ives

St Ives Gold Mine is located 80km south of Kalgoorlie and is a combination of underground and open pit. It employs more than 800 staff and contractors and yields about 360,000 ounces each year.



Agnew comprises New Holland and Waroonga, both of which are underground operations 23km west of Leinster and employ more than 600 staff and contractors. Each year it produces more than 200,000 ounces.



Gruyere is a 50/50 joint venture with Gold Road Resources and is located on the South Dorothy Hills Trend, 25km north-east of the Yamarna Belt discovery, Central Bore. Gruyere has an open pit with a 13-year mine life.

Employment Programs

“Mining is where cutting-edge environmental practice happens. If there’s anything you’re interested in environmentally, you can find a pathway for it in mining.”

– Alex Langley, Environment Superintendent at Gold Fields Australia

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